

Dr. Hubert Joo-Kitano, PhD

Certificate in Business Administration

Dr. Hubert Joo-Kitano has an education experience ranging from a Bachelor’s in Economics at Universidad de Lima to a Doctorate in Entrepreneurship and Business Management at Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. He also has a Master of Research in Entrepreneurship and Business Management, a master’s in international Tourism Management, a master’s in business administration and a Professional Tittle of Economist.

Since 2007, he has worked as a lecturer and researcher at different Universities and Business Schools at bachelor’s and master’s levels in Finance, Tourism Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurship across different countries Peru, Spain, Germany, and Denmark. Dr. Hubert has supervised thesis and business plans for bachelor’s and master’s students. The courses he taught were mainly in English but also Spanish.

He has several working papers, a Doctoral thesis, and a book review under his research work. He has also participated in entrepreneurship activities and conferences as the guest speaker and coordinator, consulting activities, and football coaching.Dr. Hubert Joo-Kitano is a well-qualified individual driven by the wish to encourage an entrepreneurial spirit in his students. His experience as an entrepreneur, lecturer, and researcher in the areas of business, finance, and economics allows him to support European Business University Luxembourg in its mission to bring knowledge and new thinking to the next generation of business leaders.